I take a lot of pictures, I'll show you here some of my pictures, mostly taken in holidays. My equipment is a Canon SLR with some lenses and an additional flash Canon Speedlite 380 EX. The best films in my opinion are Fuji Superia Reala 100 and Kodak Royal Gold 100. But they are quite expensive, quite good is also Fuji Superia 100 and for available light Fuji Superia 400.

scheduled (previews are available):

A report from my week in the Dolomiti

my holidays in Croatia

New reports:

A small report from a few days at the baltic sea.

*new* report from Kraków from summer 2002 together with Gerd.cz and Thomas *new*


A holiday-report from my holidays 2000 in the Hohe Tatra (Vysoké Tatry) together with Matthias (Map/Plush). There are 2 reports, one is written by Matthias with comments by me and the other one is entirely made by me, with lots of pictures.

Older reports

A report on 14 pages from my holidays in early 2001 in Nottingham together with Lars, Frank and Stephan.

not available anymore

Together with Robbert from the Netherlands in the Saxon Switzerland.

Hiking in the Saxon Switzerland together with Egons (Raver/Phantasy) from Latvia.

Here are pictures from an excursion with my class to the tramway in the Saxon Switzerland, divided in 3 parts. First travelling to the tramway-station, second looking around there for the solar power generator and third our hike back.

Klassenfete, well, pictures of a party with my study-class.

power plant, called Schwarze Pumpe, our class had an excursion there.

Russian barracks, located in Dresden Übigau, pictures taken in summer 1998, when I did my civil service near there at the german Red Cross.